As we all know Squamish is an amazingly beautiful place to live and work, touted as Canada’s outdoor recreation capital, it’s an adventurist’s paradise. Isn’t that why you’re here?? It’s one of the reasons that we have a ton of visitors pass through our town. They come from all over the world to live, play, explore and some dig it so much that they decide to stay a while. But…and there is a but, most of these lovely humans are here on work visas that will eventually expire making their stay with us short but sweet.
At Caffé Garibaldi we are fortunate enough to work with several of these people. But sadly, for two of them, their time with us has come to an end. Building a team of extremely unique and diverse members that enjoy working together aaaand hanging out together is a difficult task. When I started at the café a year ago Šárka and Charlie started shortly thereafter. And when you only have a staff of four you become pretty close. But the visas are up for these two and new adventures lie in wait elsewhere. Our crew has also grown over the summer so it’s not that we are left stranded or short staffed but we are left feeling feelings because a year in close quarters has formed a very special bond between us all.
I know that the experiences and connections these two have made in the short time they have been here hold a special place in their hearts. All the adventures they have had, all the exploring they have done, all the relationships they have formed will influence their lives for years to come.
It’s quite a special thing and I don’t think it’s just the beautiful lakes, amazing running trails and world class mountain biking that they will remember. It’s the spirit of community in Squamish that has helped to make their stay so memorable. I have heard my co-workers state more than once that they can’t believe how friendly and welcoming our community is and it’s really something to be proud of. They have also asked me if I believe all of Canada is like this but no, I don’t. I lived in Vancouver for many years and it’s got a bad rep for being unfriendly/unhappy…you can read about a million blogs and articles online that talk about it. In fact, I’ve lived in quite a few different areas of Canada and I can say that yes, there is something special about life here in this small town.
And because Šárka and Charlie are both very special humans they have left their mark on us as well. Tons of mini dance parties have transpired, delicious meals have been consumed, songs have been sung, rocks have been climbed, beer has been guzzled, bikes have been borrowed, living spaces have been shared, homes have been built and most importantly, millions of laughs have been had in a year.
We are (obviously!) sad to see them go but wish them all the best in their new path, wherever that may lead them.
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