I’m sitting outside in the middle of October writing this….and it’s gorgeous out here.
The fall equinox was weeks ago but I find myself trying to savour every minute of the lingering sun that Nature decides to bestow on us this time of year. As I enjoy these last rays I’m reminded that summer was amazing, sure it was a little late getting started but when it showed up it was a real beaut.
I know Covid-19 messed with a lot of people’s travel plans this summer but I gotta say if you have to be isolated to one area BC is a pretty great place to be stuck. And being relatively new to Squamish I hadn’t even had a chance to visit all of our local swimming holes.
This summer saw me dipping my toes in as many lakes and rivers as they came across. I have been warned that this winter is an el nina year. It’s hard for me to think about an upcoming longer, colder winter when there are less events and parties happening at this time that would normally stave off the winter blues.
Dreams of a greenhouse where I could garden year round are calling to me! This summer was also the first I’ve spent in Squamish not having to worry about finishing projects galore which gave the whole summer a lez a faire, come what may attitude. With few concrete plans but lots of lazy sun soaking days the summer was wonderful which is why trying to let it go and usher in the colder, darker months seems even more challenging this year.
So here I sit, face to the sun trying to type into a screen I can hardly see because of all this glowing, sunny light. I am loath to go and do my other chores today for fear of missing out on even a minute of the sunshine. There are things I love about spring and fall but without a doubt, I am a summer person. What season is your best match? Was your inner child crying a little when you saw frost on the windows the other day? Or did you wet your pants with glee when you saw that Whistler already got its first dump of snow?
For the record, I cried.

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